Sunday, March 1, 2015

Never ending SNOW!

Cross Country skiing with Mary and John at the Colgate trails!   Here they are coming down a mellow decent in the forest. 

It was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday!  Skiing is a nice way to x-train for running or cycling, but if your not good at downhill skiing, like me, then falling is usually inevitable!

Which of course I always do on this one particularly long downhill to connect to the lower trails. 
It was a soft fall on my stomach, except for jamming my thumb. I don't think I need my thumb to swim,  so I'm not going to worry about it too much. Plus I skied a little today. 

Monday morning swim workout is a combination of a modified workout from the Villanova Master's group and my edits.   If you are game, hoping in at 6:05AM for the following practice set:

Warm: 500 choice
Preset: 5 x 100 (free/back by 25) @ 1:40
18 x 50
6 @ :50
6 @ :55
6 @ :45
Kick: 300 (alternate E/F by 50)
2 x 700 snorkel & build (500 smooth/200 build to fast)
200 cool
(38K yards)

Happy Laps!!

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