Monday, March 30, 2015

More Sunday's please!

Had a lovely Sunday afternoon with Yigo as we traversed the rolling hills toward the driving range, and came upon our neighbor who was walking another neighbors dog!  Don't let the friendly photo of their encounter fool you, Yigo was not a fan of George's playful style. George is only 1 year old, and does not have a tail, so according to my neighbor (name with held), hard to read his signals. Yigo, on the other hand, has a gorgeous tail and that's no tall tale!

Always feel like I am dragging to Monday AM practice - thought this one up on the way to the pool. enjoy!

Monday 3/30 - AM

300 swim
300 pull
300 - fins kick (50 on sides, 25 on back)
300 - fins (50 D/ 50 K on back) catch up, fist, single arm w/ head tap)
12 x 50 @ :50 descend 1>3
EZ 50 back
16 x 50 @ :55 switchers (fly/back - back/br - br/fr - fr/fly - repeat)
EZ 50 back
4 x 100 @ 1:30

While sitting in a meeting at work today - I thought a novel idea would be to do a double session today and created this set while in the meeting. Can you tell, I'd rather be swimming.

Monday PM

800 (free/back x 50)
600 (back/br x 50)
400 free - 3 dolphins kicks of walls
200 kick
20 x 25 all AFAYC
#1-5 @ :45
#6-10 @ :40
#11 - 15 @ :30
#16 - 20 @ :20
Cool 200

Tuesday - Power Yoga Flow - a class I teach twice a week.  Did all the Warriors today! Namaste'

Wednesday 4/1 - April Fools! 

This practice is no Joke - because it is in honor of Fernando Canales, since the main set is one of his creations was circulated into a TX Masters group  (SAD - San Antonio Dolphins)
I am so excited that he and his family are coming to visit us next week!  
Oh boy this is going to wake me up or make me fall asleep at my desk. LOL!
My mantra - Pain is temporary!

600 swim
8 x 50 @ :55 DPS (distance per stroke)
5 x 100 @ 1:30
4 x 200 @ 3:00
3 x 300 @ 4:30
2 x 400 @ 6:00
rest 2 min.
500 for time from push
200 warm down

Thursday 4/2 (did this on Saturday 4/4 and had some feet cramp issues but felt good on the 100s)

600 swim
Preset: 8 x 75 k/d/s by 25 @ 1:15/1:20 (fins optional)
Set 3 times thru
200 pull @ 3'
150 swim @ 2:15
100 kick @ 2/2:10
75 non free @ 1:10/1:15/1:20
50 with total of 4 breath @ 1'
25 non free fast @ :45
Set - 10 x 100 1-5 swim @ 1:25, 6-10 pull @ 1:15
WD 200 (scull and snorkel)

Thursday afternoon - Yoga Power Flow

Friday 4/3

One of my favorite ladder sets:

W/U 600 - 50 free/50 back
Set - swim up, mix in stroke if want, pull down. break till next top after first 500
100 @ 1:30
200 @ 3
300 @ 4:30
400 @ 6
500 @ 7:30
500 @ 6:15
400 @ 5
300 @ 3:45
200 @ 2:30
WD 4 x 100 @ 1:30

Happy Laps!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

"Great as Frosted Flakes"

Sheeeee's GREAT!  Whoopi that is.  She put on a superb performance at Colgate last night.  "You are great, great as Frosted Flakes" was the advice that she gave one of the students in the audience that wanted to know,  "how can I be great?"   All of Whoopi's advice during her stand  up and Q & A session was simple, to the point and meaningful, yet not over the top philosophical.  I think she said many things there were a reflection of her latest book, Is It Just me?: Or Is It Nuts Out There?    Now that I have heard her speak,  I will make it a point to read the book.  

She made the audience laugh, and yes, I laughed until my belly ached. She is extremely down to earth, logical and realistic to the point that can be offensive to some, however she is honest with herself.  The message that mostly came across in my eyes was, know yourself. Funny, there is a banner at Hamilton College on the walk from the pool to the parking lot that reads, "Know Thyself."    Don't be afraid to say what you want, what you think, and what you know, with conviction!   

"Everyone has an opinion, but their opinion will not change how you get up in the morning," says Whoopi.    Social media is a clear example of how everyone wants to give their opinion.   I think that it goes without saying, take what you read with a grain of salt.  I've always liked that saying.   

Be willing to fail, be willing to try something you never have done before, but don't let anyone talk you into doing something stupid!  Like in Whoopi's case, she describes a story when a friend talked her into getting a brazilian wax.  She goes on to say, "I didn't know that I had an afro growing in  my butt! LOL!  She is most proud of her daughter who has raised three beautiful children, and Whoopi is now a great grandparent. 

She likes to fart, which is one of the reason's how she acquired the name, Whoopi. Her real name is Karen.  Life is weird, life is crazy, she says. I think we can agree with that. She encourages giving, and give what you can, but if you can't, then don't worry about it. Be honest with yourself, and be honest with others.  "Adults lie."  If you ask your spouse,  "do these jeans make my butt look big?"  You want your spouse to be honest, because if they aren't who will be?  Yes, your butt looks as big as a house, now take those off.  You can't be made at them for helping you out!  

In terms of relationships, Whoopi's advice is, "If someone says to you, "you complete me," then run the other direction as fast as you can, because you want to be with someone who is already a complete person, because you want to be complete without needing someone to complete you."  That made sense to me. 

The show was extremely enjoyable, she was completely amusing and entertaining. I walked away believing she is also a very humble and intuitive woman.  I thought it was sweet that Colgat's AD presented her with a hockey jersey with the #13 - however, ENOUGH with the SELFIES ALEADY!!  (Just my opinion!)

Weekend Swimming Practice

Saturday March 28th

300 swim
300 pull
300 kick/drill by 75
Fins/kick - 4 x 100 @ 1:30
Swim - 4 x 100 @ 1:30
Fins/drill - 4 x 100 @ 1:40 (gallup, catchup, 6 kick 3 switch, head tap)
Swim 4 x 100 @ 1:30
Fins/paddles - 4 x 100 @ 1:20
Fins/paddles/snorkel - 4 x 100 @ 1:30
200 back 

Sunday  March 29th. 

Today's practice is aerobic training and is a compilation of two December workouts from Villanova masters.  ('13-14) plus my own creative pull set. 

500 swim/200 drill/100 sculling/100 fly kick on back/100 IM Drill

Tech - Fins
1 x 200 12 K each side @ 2:50
1 x 100 catchup @ 1:30
1 x 200 Single Arm drills @ 2:50 (100 breathe to swimming arm/100 to non swimming side - sc edit)
1 x 100 catch up @ 1:30

Main - swim
9 x 150 (divided) 
3 @ 2:15 smooth
3 @ 2:10 build by 50 to zone 3 or red* 
3 @ 2:20 (fly/bk/br x 50)

Pull (paddles, buoy, band, snorkel)
2 x 200 build
3 x 50 fast

200 cool

Happy Laps!!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Ageing like Fine Wine!

Not sure which is cuter, the goat guzzling wine or Yigo ready to catch snow. The goat picture was courtesy of a co-worker. Apparently that is her goat!  

No shortage of snow on Saturday morning - Geez - does it every stop!??? It feels like winter going into winter. Only 3 more weeks of this, and then Yigo and I will be catching frisbees on the beach! Woot!

Birthday Fit Swim was super fun!  I knocked out those 4 x 600, then had a pleasant dinner at the Colgate Inn with Russ's swimming co-coaches from Sherburne-Earlville HS and their families. Great bunch they are!
Will miss them, and they will miss Russ a.k.a. 'SARGE'

It was challenging to feel the motivation this morning. Body was moving a bit slow. 
Made up a practice on the fly - so hope you enjoy your Monday practice:

Monday 3/23/15

Warm: 600 (alt. 100 free/50 back)
Preset: 12 x 50 (descend 1>3) @ :55
Main: 5 x 200 pull/paddles/buoy - breath 3/5/7/5 by 100 @ 2:45
immediately go into 50 easy kick on back, then straight into:
2 x 25 AFAYC (sprint) @ :30
immediately go into 50 EZ kick on back , then straight into:
2 x 25 AFAYC @ :30
100 cool

Each and every day have a fresh new perspective on life, and remember that as the world is changing so can your assumptions.  - SC

Wednesday 3/25/15 

4 x 150 (50 catch up drill/50 free/50 six-kick switch drill)
100 back
Main #1
3 x 200 @ 3'
100 back
6 x 100 (alt 100 IM/ 100 free)
2' rest
Main #2
700 (build each 100)
2 x 100 (back/br by 50) @ 1:50/1:55/2:00
6 x 50 free fast @ 1'
100 cool

Friday 3/27/15

Whoopi Goldberg visits Colgate!

600 (alt. free/back by 50)
2 x {200 band/buoy - mod hard  20 sec rest
      {400 free steady - 20 sec rest

100 back EZ
4 x 200 @ 15 sec. rest #1 &#3 stroke or IM/ #2 & #4 free
100 kick EZ
600 free steady snorkel @ fins
4 x 50 fast @ 1'
200 cool

Happy Laps!!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Birthday Fit!

Saturday 3/21/15  Practice 

Easy day 

500 swim
500 pull
500 kick w/fins alt. 50 on back/50 on side
500 snorkel/fins/paddles
Set: twice through
50 fly @ 1'
100 free @ 1:30
100 back @ 1:45
50 breast @ 1:15
100 free @ 1:30
cool 200

Sunday 3/22/15 - The Ram!

Let's get busy

1000 alt. 200 free/200 back
2 x 500 snorkel/fins/paddles (15 sr)
10 x 50 alt. drill/kick @ 1'
4 x  600
#1 200 hard/400 mod-hard @ 30 sr
#2 600 @ 1K TT pace
#3 200 hard/300 mod-hard/100 EZ @ 10 sr
#4 600 @ 1K TT pace
200 cool

5,100 yards -  B-day Fit!

Happy Laps!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Solar Eclipse

If you did the 30 x 100, how did it go for you??  It was 'okay' for me.  The Hamilton College pool is very warm, and my turns sucked. I was able to maintain 1:16 with no problem.  I think I was in a groove with 5 left.  Ha!

Snowing again today. Central NY is not the place to be if you are expecting to see green grass or any grass for that matter by spring time. Sure, we get a day or two of nice sunshine and 40 degree weather, but it never lasts.

I guess I don't miss running in the nasty snowy 30 degree weather - but my neighbor seems to be a dye-hard runner!

Every so often I open up my little book called: A Thousand Paths to Enlightenment, by David Baird, hoping to get a little insight as to what is happening in my life.   A while ago I read a book called   Comprehending Coincidence: Synchronicity and Personal Transformation, by Craig Bell. It's a very interesting book which delves into dreams, symbolism, gurus, conscience and subconscious.  Reading a passage from the enlightenment book gives me a conscience perspective to life.  Today's readings was something I wanted to share because it pertains to career and major changes. Given that fact that we are packing our house up to move to FL and I am changing careers, the quotes were fitting.

"Take your work seriously, but never yourself."

"There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. In the first group there is far less competition."

"Increased stress is the price you pay for increase opportunity."

"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't."

Saturday practice will be drills and sprints. Sunday practice will be 5,100 yards of free and IM, in honor of turning 51!   Workouts posted soon!

Happy Laps!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Haste Makes Waste

I learned from my dear friend and mentor, Fernando Canales, to always consider the pros and cons when making a final decision. Rushing things can cause unnecessary mistakes in the work place or home, or maybe even render making wrong choices. Work smarter, not harder is another way to think about it.   In any event,  I am weighing the pros and cons of competing in the Wilton Wahoos Y prep meet before USMS Nationals.  Logistically, the timing may or may not work, due to the fact that I am packing up my car and driving to FL on April 11th. (Sat) with the dog!  Russ will follow suit after the movers pack us up on Monday the 13th.  I thought, since the meet is in Wilton, CT, on Sunday April 12, I'd be heading in that direction. The Wilton Y is very close to Weston, CT., where I can stay with a friend for Saturday night, leave Yigo at their house on Sunday while I attend the meet, which will be only a few hours. Then we can continue driving to FL that day.  It's a possibility, but I have to decide if it's the right thing to do with the dog and all. If Yigo was not in the picture, I'd go, no worries.

I'll think about it some more.................

Swimming this week is sparse due to the fact that Lineberry is only open two week days, due to spring break. Monday was soup Monday, so I didn't make that, and Thursday I teach yoga, so I drove to Hamilton College this morning at 4:30 in the snow! Argh. Did this brief 3,300 yard practice on the fly:

Wednesday 3/18

300 swim/300 pull/200 FRIM drill
5 x 50 K @ 1'
5 x 100 swim @ 1:30
5 x 50 K @ 1:10
5 x 150 Pull @ '2
5 x 50 K @ 1:05
Cool 300 snorkel

Friday 3/20

300 swim
300 K/D/Swim/stroke by 25 
300 snorkel

*30 x 100  @ 1:40
This is a pace set - do the 1st one on 2:25 exactly, the second one 1:24, the 3rd. on 2:23 etc. obviously you will you run out of steam before the end of the set, then the fun begins,  whatever is the last goal pace that you can hit,  hold that pace, till the set is done. 

*For quicker swimmers with say a 1:02 goal pace, your interval is 1:30, you do the first one on 1:19 exactly, descend one second, till you hit your goal pace, and swim the rest of set at that pace. Depending on how you feel that day, will depend on when you will hit your goal pace.
I borrowed this from a 2003 triathlon web files I found on-line.

Warm down 

Happy Laps! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Roasted Garlic Tomato Basil Soup

A Delicious and Healthy Vegetarian Soup 

The last Soup Monday at Colgate's Alumni Relations office was today, and since I was eating all the other soups that people brought in, I was obligated to make a soup. It took me a while to decide what to make, because all my favorite soups were taken. One day I had a tomato basil soup from the No. 10 Tavern in Hamilton, and that is what inspired me to make this soup.  I did not follow a recipe, but gathered ideas from other recipes and gave it a whirl before selling  my food processor!  :-(

You start with a simple set of ingredients - Tomatoes, Vegetable broth (other recipes call for chicken broth, so you choose. plus I rather not use canned, so use the boxed version), fresh basil, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, dried thyme, garlic, olive oil, chopped onion, chopped celery. Not pictured - tomato paste from tube, and roma tomatos.

I cut the tomatoes length wise and remove the seeds (I am sure you can leave them in, but I didn't) place them in a pan or a baking sheet (didn't want to make a mess of the over, so used a pan) and lightly drizzle olive oil and sea salt over them. Roast 400 degree F for 1 hour. Peel the garlic, and roast those happy guys too. Be careful not to burn them!  I did, and had to re-do!

While they are roasting, I cut up an onion and a few celery stalks, and sauteed them with olive oil and a little white wine. :-)  Cook the white wine off and make the onions sweat. You can do it all in one pan. I did it in two because I decided to do the celery as an after thought. Celery gives lots of flavor, so glad I did. I threw some thyme on the onions. That's the brown stuff.

Chop the basil fine, and set aside. I ended up using all the fresh basil in package, so lots more than pictured.

Place the cooked onions and celery in the food processor along with a dab of dill (I use from the tube). Dill is strong, so it's optional if you don't like. I put about 6 cups of Vege broth in the crock pot and turn on low to get warm with some spices (garlic/onion powder, white pepper, crushed red pepper and salt) This will be the liquid used in food processor with the roasted tomatoes and garlic.

Okay - now take those yummy tomatoes and garlic from the oven and put them in the food processor in batches with the vege broth. You can monitor how thin or thick you want. I actually didn't use all the broth, so maybe 5 cups. Then I poured everything back into the crock pot and added more crushed basil.

I noticed that the soup needed more of a tomato flavor, so I bought TOMATO PASTE in the tube.  Also, the soup needed more tomatoes, so I bought 7 Roma tomatoes and roasted them the same way. I blended them in the processor with the paste and salt and pepper and added to the crock pot with more basil.

It was delicious and filling. Great with Grain bread.
Tomatoes (any kind) lots!
Fresh Basil
Salt Pepper
Whole garlic gloves (3-5)
Tomato paste (Italian from tube)
Crushed red pepper
olive oil
some recipes call for oregano. (didn't use that)
Powdered garlic and onion
tsp. butter
white wine
Heat oven to 400 F, slice tomatoes, put in pan or sheet w/ little OO and salt. Roast garlic gloves. Heat up vege broth and add spices. Saute chopped celery and onion with OO, butter, & white wine.Cook off white wine, and cook onions to sweat.   Pulsate all ingredients with broth. Salt and pepper to taste, and lots of basil to taste.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

The Big Thaw!

It's warming up on the East coast, and we are beginning to see signs of spring, such as college students running in shorts and  T-shirt. Oh how I MISS running!!   Daylight savings has provided those extra hours before the sun sets to walk Yigo after work.   As you can see by his expression, he secretly wishes to be running the loop rather than walking.

In any event, this weekend we have a few nice swimming sets.  Saturday I was in a hurry to get in and out since my sister and brother in law are visiting from NH.  They are bringing a Penske trunk and will load it up with lots of furniture.  If we can get the weight down for our move, it will cost less. That's the plan. So far so good with purging out with the old.


Warm 800
(400 swim/400 pull 200 kick with fins no board)
4  x 200 with fins: 50 swim/50kick dolphin and back) @ 3'
4 x 150 pull @ 2'
4 x 100 swim @ 1:30 (85%)
break 1' (turned into long, if you see friends on deck that want to talk to you:-)
4 x 50 (EZ down/Fast back) @ :45
cool 1-200

Sunday: recycled from Beau. Thanks Beau!

Warm 600 (choice)
Pre-set: 4 x 100 - 25K/25D/25stroke/25 free @ 1:45
16 x 75 - odds nonfree @ 1:10, evens kick @ 1:15
Pull 500 breath 3,4,5,4,3 by 100
10 x 75 - by 75
(#9 and #10 fast)
Cool 4 x 100 @ 1:30
(3850 yards)

Happy Laps!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spring Break!

I just get a kick out of the photo!  Dude - the pool will be closed most of next week, OMG - what to do?
Who even uses the word 'dude' anymore?  

Sorry about the math mix up for today's practice. I made the correction, and cut out the 2nd. 400. Only had time for 1 anyway. :-)

Tuesday evening workout was ugly for me, how about you?

This weekend I will be making roasted garlic and tomato soup for Soup Monday at the Alumni Relations office. I will provide the recipe and steps on Sunday.  Hopefully it will taste good!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Feelin' Groovy!

Swimming this week: 

Tuesday PM, Wednesday AM, Friday AM.  (Thursday Yoga and weights)  
Saturday/Sunday practice TBD.

Tuesday 3/10/15

600 (free/back by 50)
6 x 100 descend 1 > 3 @ 1:30
500 swim (pace 80 %)
5 x 100 pull @ 1:30
400 swim
4 x 100 pull @ 1:25
300 swim
3 x 100 pull @ 1:20
200 swim
2 x 100 pull @ 1:20
100 swim
100 pull @ 1:15
200 cool 4,400

Wednesday 3/11/15

Warm: 400 (free/back by 50)
4 x 100 descend 1> 4 @ 1:40
Main: 5xs
150 (swim/drill by 50)
3 x 50 fast @ 1'
150 Kick (E/F by 50)
2nd. Main:
100 cool 3,550

Friday 3/13/15 - Happy Colgate Day!  

Warm: 600 (free/back by 50)
8 x 50 descend 1>4 @ 1:00
Main:  (ladder)
1:30 base
300 @ 4:30
200 @ 3:00
100 @ 1:30
100 @ 1:30
200 @ 3
300 @ 4:30
Main: 3xs
12 x 25
3 from blocks
1 EZ back stroke
100-200 cool

Four more weeks until Florida!

Monday, March 9, 2015

RAM Swim Meet

The Rochester Area Masters hosted a well run meet at the RIT pool Sunday.   The drive over was snowy and dark, because I had to leave at 5:15am.  The first event was the 500 at 9:00am.  I was happy to improve my 500 time from January by about 6 seconds.  Maybe by next year I'll improve another 6 seconds. :-)

I must have been feeling the 500 still during the 200 free, because I was a sec. slower. My legs turned to brick at the 125 mark, so that was not good. I will have to learn how to kick through that.

I won't even mention the 50 BR., since that is not an event I can swim any more with a hip prosthesis.  Next was the 100 FR, and I felt good. I dropped one second.  The time is about 7 seconds slower when I swam in my 30's, but I'll take it. 1:08:16.   Not coming from a collegiate background in swimming,  and spending 5 years with no formal training, getting fat and lazy, I was happy.

And finally the 200 BA, love this event, but I have a long way to go to meet the Nat'l qual time in  my age group.  Took 2 seconds off the previous Jan. meet. with a 2.55:XX.

I think one of the main reasons for the improvement in times was primarily due to the fact that I watched a USA Swimming Webinar last week on starts and turns with Russell Mark, sports performance consultant for USA Swimming.   I have seen Russell present before at the US Olympic Training center, when the Colgate team was there for Winter Training camp. That was a great experience, and the team, including myself learned a great deal about how to be a more efficient swimmer.  Russell is an excellent speaker, and really provides us good information and videos on what to think about when improving swimming technique on all levels.  I was able to employ the things I learned about turns from watching the webinar. I realized this morning, that the one thing I completely forgot about was the point he made about "Throw water over your head" during the turn.   I hope to spend more time practicing starts.

RIT pool is nice. 4 ft. at the opposite end of blocks. Diving well, and boards are gorgeous!

Really tired today, ate like a pig yesterday - so this morning's swim will be some standard stuff:

Warm: 1200
300 swim
300 kick
300 pull
300 swim
300 back
2 x 200 @  3:15
100 - paddle grab drill (hold top of paddle with hand) @ 1: 45
2 x 200 @ 3
2 x 100 - paddle grab drill @ 1:40 or 45
2 x 200 @ 2:55
3 x 100 - normal paddles (no buoy)@ 1:20
200 cool

Happy Laps!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Skiing by the light of the moon!

Hamilton was blessed with clear skies Friday, and what better way to take advantage of the full moon, but to get together with friends on the Colgate groomed trails for a night time x-country ski adventure.  Kuddos goes out to Dr. Jonathan who takes the initiative to coordinate these type of fun exercise opportunities.

A group of  9 plus Maya, Dan's black lap (our mascot), started on the 'lower loop', which eventually split by way of 3 ladies who ventured off to the the 'upper loop.'   The remaining of us took a couple of spins around the lower trails in opposite directions, with breaks for hot coco, courtesy of Jonathan.  Thank you!

The evening finished off at the Good Nature Brewing Company with plenty of laughter and interesting stories.  

FYI - On the next full moon, April 4th, a Total Lunar Eclipse will take place. It will be visible in Central N.Y. between 5:03AM - 6:17AM.

Enough about the moon, and skiing, let's talk swimming!   In preparation for Sunday's RAM swim meet at RIT in Rochester, I decided to take it easy today.  Total yards - 2K.

500 swim (working on good turns)
500 (kick on back/backstroke by 50)
500 (pull)
500 (snorkel, swim/kick on stomach by 50)
finish up with a few practice turns, focusing on getting hips over, and good feet placement, and getting off the wall)

Happy Laps!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015


For tomorrow morning we will have some fun with a little mix of changing speed, drill and kicking.

200 swim
200 kick
200 pull
200 swim
4  x 100 @ 1:40 gentle descend
8 x 50 @ :55 stroke/swim by 25
3 times
3 x 100 build @ 1:30
50 drill @ 10sr
4 times
75 moderate/25 blast
cool 250
(35K yards)

Happy Laps!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Year of the Goat

Happy Year of the Goat!!

I guess I was not paying attention to the news, or social media or anything pertaining to what new Chinese year it was this year.  I heard today - we are celebrating the year of the goat.  Some literature will refer to this animal as a sheep. I guess this little guy looks like a cute little sheep with horns. The characteristics of the sheep are: crafty, sensitive, warm, elegant, intuitive, tasteful, charming, and calm. Hopefully we will see signs of peace and harmony in 2015! 

Now that we know what the Chinese New Year is, time to revisit this mornings swim practice. Apologies for not posting this earlier.  I make a habit to write the workout the day before. 

For Wednesday March 4th. This practice focuses on pace mixed with speed. 

Warm: 300swim/300kick/300pull/300IMdrill
Main: 6 x 150 
(100 free pace/50back fast) @ 20sr
Main: 3 x 300 
#1-2 pull paddles and buoy breath 3/5 by 50 
#3 snorkels/paddles/fins pick up the pace)
Three sets: 4 x 25 @ :40
#1-2 Fast
#3-4 perfect technique 

100-200 cool

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Never ending SNOW!

Cross Country skiing with Mary and John at the Colgate trails!   Here they are coming down a mellow decent in the forest. 

It was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday!  Skiing is a nice way to x-train for running or cycling, but if your not good at downhill skiing, like me, then falling is usually inevitable!

Which of course I always do on this one particularly long downhill to connect to the lower trails. 
It was a soft fall on my stomach, except for jamming my thumb. I don't think I need my thumb to swim,  so I'm not going to worry about it too much. Plus I skied a little today. 

Monday morning swim workout is a combination of a modified workout from the Villanova Master's group and my edits.   If you are game, hoping in at 6:05AM for the following practice set:

Warm: 500 choice
Preset: 5 x 100 (free/back by 25) @ 1:40
18 x 50
6 @ :50
6 @ :55
6 @ :45
Kick: 300 (alternate E/F by 50)
2 x 700 snorkel & build (500 smooth/200 build to fast)
200 cool
(38K yards)

Happy Laps!!