Had a lovely Sunday afternoon with Yigo as we traversed the rolling hills toward the driving range, and came upon our neighbor who was walking another neighbors dog! Don't let the friendly photo of their encounter fool you, Yigo was not a fan of George's playful style. George is only 1 year old, and does not have a tail, so according to my neighbor (name with held), hard to read his signals. Yigo, on the other hand, has a gorgeous tail and that's no tall tale!
Always feel like I am dragging to Monday AM practice - thought this one up on the way to the pool. enjoy!
Monday 3/30 - AM
Warm:300 swim
300 pull
300 - fins kick (50 on sides, 25 on back)
300 - fins (50 D/ 50 K on back) catch up, fist, single arm w/ head tap)
12 x 50 @ :50 descend 1>3
EZ 50 back
16 x 50 @ :55 switchers (fly/back - back/br - br/fr - fr/fly - repeat)
EZ 50 back
4 x 100 @ 1:30
While sitting in a meeting at work today - I thought a novel idea would be to do a double session today and created this set while in the meeting. Can you tell, I'd rather be swimming.
Monday PM
Warm:800 (free/back x 50)
600 (back/br x 50)
400 free - 3 dolphins kicks of walls
200 kick
20 x 25 all AFAYC
#1-5 @ :45
#6-10 @ :40
#11 - 15 @ :30
#16 - 20 @ :20
Cool 200
Tuesday - Power Yoga Flow - a class I teach twice a week. Did all the Warriors today! Namaste'
Wednesday 4/1 - April Fools!
This practice is no Joke - because it is in honor of Fernando Canales, since the main set is one of his creations was circulated into a TX Masters group (SAD - San Antonio Dolphins)I am so excited that he and his family are coming to visit us next week!
Oh boy this is going to wake me up or make me fall asleep at my desk. LOL!
My mantra - Pain is temporary!
600 swim
8 x 50 @ :55 DPS (distance per stroke)
5 x 100 @ 1:30
4 x 200 @ 3:00
3 x 300 @ 4:30
2 x 400 @ 6:00
rest 2 min.
500 for time from push
200 warm down
Thursday 4/2 (did this on Saturday 4/4 and had some feet cramp issues but felt good on the 100s)
600 swim
Preset: 8 x 75 k/d/s by 25 @ 1:15/1:20 (fins optional)
Set 3 times thru
200 pull @ 3'
150 swim @ 2:15
100 kick @ 2/2:10
75 non free @ 1:10/1:15/1:20
50 with total of 4 breath @ 1'
25 non free fast @ :45
Set - 10 x 100 1-5 swim @ 1:25, 6-10 pull @ 1:15
WD 200 (scull and snorkel)
Thursday afternoon - Yoga Power Flow
Friday 4/3
One of my favorite ladder sets:
W/U 600 - 50 free/50 back
Set - swim up, mix in stroke if want, pull down. break till next top after first 500
100 @ 1:30
200 @ 3
300 @ 4:30
400 @ 6
500 @ 7:30
500 @ 6:15
400 @ 5
300 @ 3:45
200 @ 2:30
WD 4 x 100 @ 1:30
Happy Laps!