Thursday, July 9, 2015

Good luck, good fortune

My dear friend, and second mom, Alma, traveled to China recently and brought back a beautiful scroll and gave it to us as a gift.  It works perfectly with our Asian theme.  The writing means good fortune. 

The Cape Coral masters group is an interesting eclectic mix of beginners to alumni D1 swimmers. Last night I had a taste of swimming with a long distance swimmer who posted some impressive times in his college days (:19, :43) His name is Steve and this is his set:


Self warm up:
600 (free/back by 50)
8 x 50 kick @ 1:05

10 x 150 @ 2:15
10 x 100 @ 1:30
10 x 50 @ :45

150 cool

The water in the pool is extremely hot and I was extremely thirsty after practice. 

Returned to the pool the following morning at 0500 for a short swim of 2300scy.
Cris gave Chicky and I a re-cycled workout, and I decided to modify it into something a little more interesting.


400 free

Main - 3 times
2 x 50 kick @ 1:05
2 x 100 (drill/swim by 50) odd free/even stroke @ 1:45
2 x 50 @ 1:00 breakouts

200 pull

16 x 25
1 - build
2 - EZ
3,4 - FAST!
(did the last two of the last set of 4 from blocks)

cool 100

Happy Laps!

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