Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chicken or the Egg?

I found fresh eggs in Bonita Springs, FL from a farm called Circle C, Happy Hens.  Truly excited to be purchasing locally harvested eggs.    That's the good news, and the bad news is we still do not have cable or internet at our house.  As my friend Michelle commented when I told her the news, "What do you live in a 3rd. world country?" Basically it has taken Comcast over 5 weeks to service, install, connect and connect any type of cable or internet, and it's still in the works, which means  I have to drive 50 minutes to Naples to watch Le Tour de France at my parents house!

Friday morning practice at San Carlos Park pool with GCswim team, I modified the workout a bit to meet my needs, plus due to the fact that the water is so dang hot!!

500 choice
5 x 100 (25 kick/50swim/25 kick) snorkel
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
1 x 100 @ 1:30 FAST
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
4 x 75 backstroke (suppose to be 3 x 100 FAST @ 1:30)
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
5 x 100 @ 1:30 FAST

1 x 1000 on 15:00 free or pull or snorkel/fins/paddles

cool 100

Saturday - T2 Naples Masters with Coach Jenna - Great IM workout!

300 swim/200 kick/ 200 pull
Pre Set Kick:
6 x 75 @ 1:30
400 pull (:30 rest)
4 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
4 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
300 pull (:30 rest)
3 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
3 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
200 pull (:30 rest)
2 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
2 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
100 pull (:30 rest)
1 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
1 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'

Cool 150 - 300

Happy Laps!!

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