Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Passion for cooking

Aside from swimming, cycling and running, the other hobby that I most enjoy doing is cooking. I never thought I was going to be a 'foodie' however, I so enjoy being creative in the kitchen, so this evening I whipped up a delicious salmon dish. The salmon was supposedly wild Alaskan, rather than farm raised, which I purchased from Ada's Natural Market in Ft. Myers.  In any event, I don't want to get into a discussion on which is better, farm or wild, so here is the dish I prepared this evening:

Roasted salmon (I don't have a grill yet) with saute' zucchini, roasted thyme potatoes, and a lemon caper, butter, cilantro cream sauce. 

The sauce was really to die for!  I would have added white wine if I had it.  I made a rue, then added juice from one lemon, capers, garlic, cilantro, a little more butter, and a dob of sour cream, plus S & P.  I thinned out the sauce with chicken broth, but would have rather used white wine. It was delicious! 

Sear the salmon on a flat pan, then put the pan in the oven. Slice the potatoes thin and coat them with EVOO or an oil of your choice, and season with thyme, salt and pepper, and place on cooking stone ware.   The zucchini was simply saute'd with butter, salt, pepper and oregano. 

Swimming this week is a little less than usual. Monday's AM workout was a mish mash of what the coach gave me, and what I came up with:

300  (75 free/ 25 back)
4  x 75 50 drill/25 swim @ 1'
6 x 50 kick with fins
12 x 50 descend @ :55
Main: 4 times
200 Pull @ 2:50
100 FAST @ :130
4 x 25 moderate - fast @ :30
cool 250

Tuesday AM practice: (my design)
600 swim
4 x 50 (switchers) @ 1:00 (fly/back - back/br - br/free - free/fly)
125 (100 IM/25 free)
4 x 50 (25 stroke IM order/25 free)
150 (100 IM/50 free)

4 x 50 (25 strokeIM order/ 25 free)
175 (100IM/ 75 free)
4 x 50 (Im order by 50)
200 IM
4 x 50 Free 
Cool 250

Wednesday  - Yoga on Lanai and picking out wallpaper with mom, plus a short ride on the busy streets of Del Prado during rush hour.  (need to reconsider other options for 5pm ride)

Thursday - AM will be:

200 swim
200 pull
100 kick 
6 x 75 IM drill @ 1:20

20 x 100
# 1-4
25 fly/75 free
50 fly/50 free
75 fly/25 free
100 fly
# 5-8
same with back
 same with breast
#13 - 16
all free
# 17 - 20
Coo 200 

Happy Laps!

I am looking forward to the construction of our pool. It will be a nice welcome to the home. All the indoor designs and decorations are looking exquisite, if I do say so myself!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Still no Cable!

Well, we have all heard the complaints from across the U.S. about Comcast, and I am here to tell you they are all true!  

It's amazing how a company that makes so much money can be so unorganized.  Basically since our home is new construction, they needed to 'bore' the lines.  This step has taken exactly 5 weeks to get the correct technician out there to accomplish that.   Hopefully we will have cable and internet by next week!  I am not holding my breath!

Thursday AM swim - Shannon's practice:

Warm - 2 xs
100 swim
100 kick
100 pull

Main - 3 xs
200 swim pretty @ 3:15
4 x 75 (Free/back/free) @ 1:15
8 x 50 odds FAST / evens EZ @ 1'

Cool 200

Friday AM with GC Masters:

500 Loose
8 x 50 (drill / swim by 25) @ 1'

Main - 2x
2 x 150 (100 FAST/50 Moderate) @ 1:50
4 x 25 kick @ :40
2 x 200 swim or pull @ 315

Super Swims:  (this is where you attach yourself to a tether that is connected to a poll on the deck and it provides resistance)
* it feels really weird to swim w/out it after the set:
4 x 2 min. with 1:00 rest
1 x 4:00

400 warm down

HAPPY LAPS and Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Another lamp constructed!

Here is another beautiful lamp that I made. I really like the shade because it is unique. All in all this lamp cost me about $26 dollars to make. The funny thing is when I was purchasing parts to complete it, I needed to purchase a couplings. It was a good thing that I had one left over, because our electrician needed one when installing the light in our walk in closet. Ha! 

Given that I am not an electrician by trade, I have successfully made three lamps thus far, and I am pretty excited about the prospect of making more!  Hopefully we will have a nice shelf in the garage for the future of making additional lamps. 

Monday was a nice rest day, as I really felt like sleeping in.  Tuesday AM swim practice was written by me, even though there are workouts to follow, I like re-designing the workouts.

400 Loose
200 Kick
12 x 50 @ :55 (25 IM stroke/25 free)

3 x 150 pull/breathe 3/5/7 by 50 @ 2'
4 x 50 back @ 1'
3 x 150 pull/breathe 3/5/7 by 50 @ 2'
4 x 50 breast @ 1'

1 x 400 
1 x 300

Cool 100
Happy laps!

Wednesday AM I joined the Caloosa Bike Club for their weekly 36m ride from the Winn-Dixie. 

It was a small group of about 11 cyclists. Three women total including me. As soon as the group rolled out the the parking lot the pace amped up to 28-30mph. Geez - what a way to wake up!  No warm up, little food (two oranges) and tight calves.   The roads are nice, and there is little traffic. As we circled through the line, I noticed I was the only woman left with the group.  I think they were surprised that I was still with them.  I think the other girl, Pam could have stayed in the pack, but she told me that she was not feeling well. 

About 10 miles into it, one of the guys got a flat. We all stopped and he changed it. We carried on, returning to the blazing pace.  The course traverses over a very slight incline, and that really did me in. The temps were already climbing int0 the upper 80s. At the bottom of the hill, there was a light and that is where the course turns around.  A few miles down the road, we bridged up to the the slower group that had previously passed us during the mechanical. 

After we caught up to the small group, I decided to sit in with them and recover a bit. It was a nice ride back, and my legs are very spent!   It was a fun day and I met a new friend as well, her name is Louise. 

I look forward to riding with the group more. 

Yesterday I had what I thought a very successful interview with the HR person at Lee Memorial Hospital for a position at their Wellness Center. I hope to receive a call from the hiring manager in the next couple of days.  Wish me luck!

Our pool permit has been approved and the pool guy, Waters Edge, will start the digging process next Thursday!  We are very excited to get this underway.  I'll post pre-post and interim pictures. 

In the meantime - - be well, be safe, and keep smiling!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Chicken or the Egg?

I found fresh eggs in Bonita Springs, FL from a farm called Circle C, Happy Hens.  Truly excited to be purchasing locally harvested eggs.    That's the good news, and the bad news is we still do not have cable or internet at our house.  As my friend Michelle commented when I told her the news, "What do you live in a 3rd. world country?" Basically it has taken Comcast over 5 weeks to service, install, connect and connect any type of cable or internet, and it's still in the works, which means  I have to drive 50 minutes to Naples to watch Le Tour de France at my parents house!

Friday morning practice at San Carlos Park pool with GCswim team, I modified the workout a bit to meet my needs, plus due to the fact that the water is so dang hot!!

500 choice
5 x 100 (25 kick/50swim/25 kick) snorkel
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
1 x 100 @ 1:30 FAST
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
4 x 75 backstroke (suppose to be 3 x 100 FAST @ 1:30)
1 x 200 @ 3:30
1 x 150 @ 2:30
5 x 100 @ 1:30 FAST

1 x 1000 on 15:00 free or pull or snorkel/fins/paddles

cool 100

Saturday - T2 Naples Masters with Coach Jenna - Great IM workout!

300 swim/200 kick/ 200 pull
Pre Set Kick:
6 x 75 @ 1:30
400 pull (:30 rest)
4 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
4 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
300 pull (:30 rest)
3 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
3 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
200 pull (:30 rest)
2 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
2 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'
100 pull (:30 rest)
1 x 100 IM @ 1:30/1:35/1:40
1 x 50 FAST stroke @ 1'

Cool 150 - 300

Happy Laps!!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Swimming around town

I've enjoyed mixing up my swim locations between Ft. Myers, Cape Coral, and Punta Gorda. 

Wednesday AM 7/15/15 practice from the FGC Master's team: 
*Sam writes one workout, and it's geared to the slower swimmers, so sometimes myself and a few others need to *add yardage* for the given interval. 

5:00am Warm up begins
1 x 500
8 x 50 @ 1' (drill/swim by 25) (optional fins drill/stroke which is what I did b/c I was very tired)

3 x 150  (or 200*) @ 3:30 
rest 1'
3 x 150 @ 2:45
rest 1'
3 x 75 (or 100*) @ 1:30
rest 1'
3 x  75 (or 100*) @ 1:20
Pull Set (written as I swam it)
1 x 250 @ 3:30
3 x 150 @ 2'
4 x 50 (snorkel & paddles) @ 1'
1 x 200  (snorkel & paddles )@ 3'

cool 1-300

Happy Laps!

Thursday morning I drove to Punta Gorda, however practice was cancelled due to weather (lightening).   There were many people coming to the house to do various jobs, so I stayed put enjoyed a day of rest. 

After experiencing 4 completely different USMS groups in SWF, I can safely make a grading as to which team has the best coaching and where you will get the most benefit. Drum roll please, that group is the T2 Masters in Naples, FL.  I think I intuitively knew this ahead of time, and I was so very lucky to have spent 3 solid months training with them. I will enjoy swimming with them from time to time, and thankfully I am heading their way this Saturday!  Yeah!   

Now for the negative - we have been in our house for 4 weeks, and still no cable. It has been pulling teeth to get Comcast to install the cables, then install a signal, so the final tech guy can hook up the cable!  I am missing the tour and it's sad. When I do see it, I drive to Naples to watch it from my parents house, which is what I will do Friday morning. 

Until next time.....swim fast!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Wheels and Wings

It's been a hot couple of days and the weeks are flying by!  

It was time to dig out a smaller cassette and stop riding a 27x12 and swap the climbing cassette with a more appropriate flat lander cassette with a 23x12.  The 27 was on there very tight, and there was no way I was going to get it off, so I decided to take it to the Schwinn shop and have them do it, since the gears would need to be adjusted as well. David and Greg are very nice and accommodating, and finished it in one day.  

The next morning I started to go for a ride and explore into Charlotte County, when I immediately noticed that the cassette was making a chunking sound. Dang, it's not tight. Rather than going back to the house and fix it, I thought I'd check out the Bike shop in Punta Gorda and have them look at it.  After an hour ride on a busy highway of 41N I arrive at the Acme bike shop.  The mechanic was not there, but the owner was, and he said he would look at it. He says he has never seen a loose cassette before. Oh geez. He took it off, put it back one, with my help, and still it was a little loose. I said I would figure it out when I got home, and it was probably a spacer that needed changing. He still charged me $10.00 for his 'service.'  I will not use them again for bike repairs.  I fixed the problem with a different spacer. 

On my way home, I visited an area that I was not familiar with but it was a nice diversion off of Highway 41.

All the roads look alike and in between some of the main roads were gravel roads. Basically I was lost and my water was hot as heck, and wanted to get home. I used the smart phone to get me back to 41.  

No I don't have Bell's Palsy!!  I was trying to show a face of being lost. LOL!

The next day was the Wheels and Wings ride. It's a nice organized ride where I met up with a few girlfriends, Liz and Jennifer. Liz's boyfriend was recovery from brain surgery and he was on this really sweet recumbent. He is a strong cyclist who pulled me along at 26mph for a stretch.   I enjoyed talking with him. I stayed with them, and didn't worry about riding with a "faster" group, give the fact that Liz and Tommy warned me that one of the groups I was thinking of riding with was notorious for having a crash every year on this ride. We finished out the day with about 55miles and endured a down pouring of rain, and rode on those same roads that I was 'lost' on the day before. 

The Cape Coral masters group is a nice group, however the water temperature is about 90 degrees and that is no exaggeration!  Putting out any kind of effort is quite a challenge.  

Monday 7/13/15 Steve provided us with the following practice:

Preset: 6 x 75 kick
4 x 250 pull
6 x 175 (drill on 4th. lap)
8 x 125 (last 25 fast)
10 x 25 @ :30

Tuesday 7/14/15, I joined a new group called the Tarpon Masters in Punta Gorda. 
They have a Facebook page, and will post their workouts there as well. Kerry is the coach. They only swim about 2500 a practice, but the water temperature is MUCH better and their pool is pretty. 

2 x 200
Pre set:
12 x 25 @ :30
Main (twice) with fins
2 x 100
4 x 50 underwater dolphin streamline. 
cool 200

Happy Laps!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Morning Glory

The day started off well with a fun swim with the FGC swim team.  Coming home I took this photo as I was going over the bridge. 

It's at least  a 30min. drive to practice with this team, and even though I arrived at 5 on the dot, I seemed to miss the entire 500 warm up!

8 x 50 @ 1' (choice drill/stroke)

Main: 11 times (basically 1 mile set)
1 x 100 @ 1:20
1 x 50 @ 1' (active recovery)
* I was holding either 1:11 or 1:12. I felt good on the last one and did 1:10.

8 x 50 kick (social) chatted with the girl in the lane next to me who is recovering from stress fractures in her tibia from running. 

5 x 200 Pull @ 3:30 
* I did a few 250s and the last one wore snorkel and no buoy. 

cool 100

Happy Laps!

This Sunday there is a ride in Punta Gorda called Wings and Wheels V.  I am sure it will be fun, and I will meet some new friends. 

I have not been riding much, so it will be interesting. My bike is at the shop right now, because I needed them to swap out the big 27 cassette with a normal 23 cassette. Way too flat here to be riding a 27! 

I also discovered a place to buy FRESH eggs from a farm in Bonita Springs. It's called, Happy Hens.  She didn't have any eggs today, so I pre-ordered 2 doz.  to pick up next Friday. 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Good luck, good fortune

My dear friend, and second mom, Alma, traveled to China recently and brought back a beautiful scroll and gave it to us as a gift.  It works perfectly with our Asian theme.  The writing means good fortune. 

The Cape Coral masters group is an interesting eclectic mix of beginners to alumni D1 swimmers. Last night I had a taste of swimming with a long distance swimmer who posted some impressive times in his college days (:19, :43) His name is Steve and this is his set:


Self warm up:
600 (free/back by 50)
8 x 50 kick @ 1:05

10 x 150 @ 2:15
10 x 100 @ 1:30
10 x 50 @ :45

150 cool

The water in the pool is extremely hot and I was extremely thirsty after practice. 

Returned to the pool the following morning at 0500 for a short swim of 2300scy.
Cris gave Chicky and I a re-cycled workout, and I decided to modify it into something a little more interesting.


400 free

Main - 3 times
2 x 50 kick @ 1:05
2 x 100 (drill/swim by 50) odd free/even stroke @ 1:45
2 x 50 @ 1:00 breakouts

200 pull

16 x 25
1 - build
2 - EZ
3,4 - FAST!
(did the last two of the last set of 4 from blocks)

cool 100

Happy Laps!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Freedom swim across Peace river

The "Freedom Swim" is a yearly tradition that was started by a man name Mike. He is a local attorney, and I am sure he never thought that this event would develop into what it is today. It's a celebration, a right of passage that has no rules, no awards, and no entry fee. Swim at your own risk, and swim with a buddy. You don't have to swim, you can paddle, or even float across the stretch of 1.5m of greenish/brownish water. You can't see the bottom, but you can feel fishy touch your hands every so often.  

It's a point to point swim from the beach of Port Charlotte under Highway 41 to Harpoon Harry's bar and grill in Punta Gorda.  I was so excited to do this swim just because it's a local event, and it gave us the chance to see the adorable Fisherman's Village in Punta Gorda. The Village houses a plethora of quaint boutiques that extends for at least 1/4 mile plus a Military museum!

I was happy to have my mascots along with me to meet me at the finish too!

There was a trolley that served as a shuttle to the start on the other side of the river. I rode the trolley to Port Charlotte while Russ and Yigo chilled out in Fisherman's Village.   I sat next to a very nice woman on the ride over, and her name was Danny.  We had a nice conversation as we patiently waited on the beach for the start. 

You might notice that she is holding fins. There were quite of few people that swam with fins,  wore cute costumes, and floated on rubber ducky rafts. It's quite a spectacle, and I can't wait to participate next year!   There was a small team of youngsters from a club swim team which made for a nice group to start the swim with. Eventually I passed the blue caps, and was flying solo.  The conditions were absolutely perfect. Hardly a current to speak of and calm water all the way across. The paddlers served as good navigation guides. Spotting the green building of Harpoon Harry's was not too difficult either.  I knew there were a few swimmers ahead of me, and just as I approached the ladder to the sun deck of the restaurant, I could see a swimmer finishing. I figured I was somewhere towards the front. After I climbed up the ladder, and stepped onto the deck, there was a huge mass of people standing wall to wall. I could not see Russ, and I was not sure which way to go since no one was there directing the swimmers. I decided to go through the restaurant (big mistake, since Russ was on the side deck waiting outside!)  where the band was playing loud music and non spectators were drinking and eating.  I walked barefoot through the entire Village, across the parking lot to the car.  Still no Russ. Where is he?  I walked back, and finally found him. He said he saw me approach the ladder, but he could not see me once I was out of the water, because there were too many people. Next year, we'll have a better plan!  He said I was the 4th. one to finish. The water was very hot!

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging around the pool in Naples. The next day we needed to move a large piece of furniture from out of my parents house. I insisted we needed the following: 4 guys, ropes, a truck with a ramp, and or a professional mover. 

Well - it turns out our trusty little truck was able to handle the job with just the two of us.  I am confident that the piece of furniture is worth more than the truck! 

I am missing training with the T2 master's group. :-)  I was so fortunate to have the opportunity to be apart of there group for a few months. Their practices are creative and actually have a purpose, and will improve your swimming.  

Since we were still in Naples on Monday morning, I enjoyed a good practice with coach Kevin. 


3 x 300 (all rest :15)
#1 - 75 swim, 25 stroke drill 
#2 - kick
#3 - 75 swim, 25 breakout

Preset (drills)
4 x 25  under water breast stroke pull out (3 or max) @ :35
4 x 25 human stroke (evolving to normal stroke) @ :30
4 x 25 catch up pause

Main (four rounds) 
1 x 150 pull (long) @ 2:15
3 x 50 @ :50
6 x 25 using chutes @ :30
2 x 75! go for it @ 2:15

200 cool

Compare the T2 practice with this one I did with Cape Coral Masters:

Tuesday 7/7/15

2 x 200 swim

4 x 200 @ rest :15
odds -  swim with buoy for 100/ditch the buoy and swim with high velocity kicking
evens - pull 150/swim with strong kick 50

10 x 75 @ 1:15
5 x 50 @ :50

10 x 75 kick (last 25 fast) @ :10 rest

300 cool

I am happy to find a group in CC to swim with, however, the practices will be different. The pool is very warm, but it is very salty creating more of a floating sensation which is nice. 

Happy Laps!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

San Carlos Swim

Moving can be very stressful, so I am very grateful that swimming is a good stress reliever. 

We are settled into our new home, and looking forward to having our pool completed. I found out today that when it's summer in FL, pool and ocean water gets VERY warm. 

Monday was my last T2 practice until I visit them on a weekend. 
I can't remember the exact workout, but it went something like this:

500 choice
4 x 75 (kick/drill/swim) @ :15 rest

4 x 50 (4,3,2,1 breaths per 50) @ 1:00
400 pull
4 x 50 (4,3,2,1 breaths per 50) @ 1:00
300 pull
4 x 50 (4,3,2,1 breaths per 50) @ 1:00
200 pull
4 x 50 (4,3,2,1 breaths per 50) @ 1:00
100 pull

cool 200

This morning I drove 30 minutes to San Carlos Park to swim at 5am with a the Gulf Coast Swim Team Masters group. I am familiar with this pool, because I swam there one time when I was in Ft. Myers one winter during Colgate's winter training camp.  The person in charge of the group was also swimming the workout, and his name was Sam.  I must say that I was really spoiled by having the luxury of an on deck coach combined with thoughtful practice sets.  The main set was a little boring, and not too difficult. Intervals were for everyone, so I had lots of rest. That's okay - the water felt warmer than bath water!  

Wednesday with GCST Masters (I was late, and missed the full warm up)

500 free
4 x 100 @ 2' kick

4 times through - progressing through the fast 50's
4 x 50 @ 1:00 (1st 50 fast)
2 x 200 strong @ 3:15
4 x 50 @ 1:00 (1-2 fast)
2 x 200 strong @ 3:15
Pull choice
4 x 50 @ 1:00 (#1,2,3 50 fast)
2 x 200 strong @ 3:15
4 x 50 @ 1:00 (all fast)
2 x 200 strong @ 3:15

cool 300

Happy Laps!

I made a glass lamp. It's kind of cool!

I considered filling it up with shells, but I did not want it to look too tacky. The bottom has tiny square glass mirrors adhered around it. 

The table is pretty sweet too. We found it at a consignment store!

Until next time - Adios!