Friday, December 10, 2010

Lake effect Snow Storm

Second season in central NY is exciting. Syracuse has been reported to have 95 hours and 10 minutes of snowing. It's snowing now, and it's going to snow some more, making it great conditions for fun in the snow to x-country ski and snow shoe. I am looking forward to some outdoor exercise that is something different than running. After completing the 100 mile and the 100K run last August, I have been enjoying less pounding and find myself getting in some great swim workouts with our new head swimming coach, Fernando. He is very highly respected in the swimming world, and an absolute joy to work for.

The raiders swim team is feeling the positive vibrations, and we showed our stuff in the snow one evening. We are looking forward to winning more meets after training trip to FL. and doing well at the Patriot League Championships in February @ Bucknell.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I am drinking an iced coffee, that I requested Jayne bring out to the course. It might be considered contraband!!!

I really enjoyed the scenery, and that is one of the major reasons why I wanted to enter this event. We ran over the same stretch of road for 50 miles on Sat. and I thought, how am I going to look forward to running over the same stretch of road the next day for 44 miles?? Believe it or not, I actually looked forward to running the 50K the next day.
The snow cap mountains in the background look absolutely majestic. When Jayne and I ran the 9 mile trail section of the 50K on Sunday, we ran in those mountains.
Here I am taking a walk break. I am so close to finishing, and that guy behind me ended up passing me when we did our turnaround at the 3 mile mark on the last out and back. I don't remember Jayne running with me here. I think I was in the delerious state. Not quite euphoric, but still delerious.
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Las Vegas Ultra running

The perfect dinner before a 50 mile run is eating with friends. Lisa and I enjoyed the grilled Salmon and oh- don't forget a glass or two of Vino!! It was a beautiful night to enjoy our meal outside.

Race morning, and Eric and I enjoy a nice warm up run together. This was Eric's first race in two years after some health problems. Let's just say he tore up the course. He was first overall by about 30 minutes to the 2nd. place finisher. I had the pleasure and privledge of running with him from mile 16 to 22. After that he got faster and I slowed down. I don't know how he does it, but I do know that he knows his shoes. Eric owns Red Rock Running Co. in Las Vegas. It is a fabulous shoe store, and he has a good memory for what shoes you buy and wear. Thanks Eric for your company on the run. It was good to see you running with so much joy and strength.

It was a really beautiful morning. The winds were light, which did give way to stronger winds by the afternoon. The temps were very nice.
The Canyon is an amazing place. Too bad we didn't spot any burros though.
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Las Vegas

You gotta love the milling around before the race. It's a rather subdued crowd. Simple people looking to run mega miles.
Looking out into the vast unknown of the canyon was not as intimitating as preparing for an Ironman on race morning.

The road seemed to go on forever. Mile markers were placed every mile, and the support crew at the aid stations were very helpful.
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Labor of Love

This unique experience of ultra running is the ultimate endeavor that will test the body, mind, soul and spirit a basic life principle; to be in the moment.

Running for distances longer than the average person cares to drive sounds like a daunting task. In a runners’ mind – the distance is merely a small obstacle to conquer. Every step, every breath brings us closer to realizing that we can make anything happen. Our energy takes us in the direction we are going. If we feel tired, we slow down. If we feel energized we speed up. The continuous motion of traveling from point A to point B (finish line) using manual locomotion over distances greater than the average marathon (26.2) sets the stage for what I describe as a delirious euphoria of painful delight. In other words it’s a: “Labor of Love.”

The Labor of Love was the perfect fitting title to Calico’s Racing ultra run event at Lovell Canyon in Las Vegas, NV.

When a challenge is presented to run distances from 80-100 miles, how can one refuse? The Labor of Love ultra run offered different running options for everyone. I signed on for the 50miles on Saturday, followed by the 50K on Sunday. I completed 80 miles over a two day period. Finishing both runs is a stepping stone to my first 100 mile ultra in August 2010, called the Viaduct Ultrarun, located in Landsboro, PA.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

J.C. Stone 50K

After spending a swim and dive season catering to the needs of the team, I was itching to sign up for a race, and actually put a race number on and go out for a run. I found a really low key event just outside of Pittsburgh and signed up to run the J.C. Stone 50K. The race is in honor of Charles C. Stone who served in the Vietnam war. The race is also used as a fundraiser for the Hampton Rotary Club. The course is on a paved five mile loop around a beautiful lake area, called North Lake. We run the loop six times, plus a small out and back section.

The temperatures were absolutely perfect for a good run. Many people took advantage of the beautiful weather and were out there running. Even though there were only 60 people signed up for the race, there were hundreds of folks out running, and cycling on the same course. I really like the fact that there were many distractions. I kind of wish I was running with Yigo. He would have loved it.

I don't have any pictures of the event. But you will have to take my word for it that it was a delightful course to race. The terrain was gently rolling. I was happy about that, so the muscles can get a little break from flat.

The race started at about low 40 F temperature. Legs stayed cold for about the first 3 laps. I decided that I needed to give my Vibram 5 fingers a little practice, so I ran the first loop in those shoes. They really were feeling good the whole way, but after a long decent into the start finish area (the boathouse) my feet felt like they needed a little relief, so I changed into the standard running clod hopper. (Mizuno's)

On the first lap, I chatted with a few people. I wanted to know what pace they plan to run, so I could reference the effort I was putting out. I did wear my watch, but the first lap included a little out and back, so it was more than 5 miles. After that it was easier to keep track of pace after each lap of 5 miles. I felt like I was running way too fast from what I normally do a marathon at the start. But since the weather was so cool, it felt easy to run.

The two runners I ran with during the first lap were running too fast for their predicted pace, so I knew that I was okay. I was thinking that maybe I would run 8:30 pace for the entire run, but since we were not running trail, it was easy to run 8 minute pace. I tried to imagine that I was running with my dog on the second lap. That was good, because I would see other runners running with their dog, and it made me feel good. On another lap, I tried to imagine running fast with Amy, since we ran a 9 miler at 7:15 pace a week prior, this gave me confidence.

After the second lap, I was running a steady 8 minute pace, and this seemed to feel good. So I continued that pace for the rest of the run. The only problem was that my second toe, which is longer than my first was slamming against the shoe, so that was painful. Then the bottom of my other foot became very painful. It was like I was running on numb feet. Yuk. Not to mention the chafe in my fat thighs. Thank goodness I preplanned and brought the bagbam. Ah - then of course my leg start to talk. The infamous quad language of...hey let's get really tight now, and pretend to cramp. Not really a full blown cramp, but enough make, every step you will feel, along with the the quad yelling, Run Forest Run!! I tried to ignore, the legs and the feet, and keep the pace.

It was a great day!

Despite the pain in my feet and the chafing, I managed to finish in an even 8:02 pace.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

NY Snow storm

It snowed all night and all day, then the sun came out, making it a perfect snow play day!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Raiders Dive Team

Colgate swimmers and divers are getting in some quality training hours in PR.
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Winter Wonderland

We found our way to upstate NY and after living 3 years on islands, this is a drastic change to say the least!
Yigo seems to enjoy himself. We play frisbee and he loves slipping and sliding.
Good thing we are well stocked with lots of coats, gloves, hats, and boots!
Yigo will never give up his favorite pastime.
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Skaneatles I'm All In!!!

This is a two day triathlon festival we did in Skaneatles, NY. (pronounced - skinny-atlas)

The first day was a sprint triathlon. The second day we did a point to point swim in the morning. This is Amy and I before the swim. It was called, "escape from the judge." The boat in the background is called the Judge.

Later on in the afternoon, there was a 2 mile time trial on our bikes up a nice climb. That was painful, and I was miserably slow comparatively.

After lunch and before dinner, we did the final event; a 4 mile run. It was a nice course with a few hills, and a little cross country, and a grass finish.

After the the run, I needed to find a shower, and change clothes to get ready to go to the
ST. fair with Dana and Stephanie.

The St. fair was a blast. I saw the butter sculpture - and apparently it was a very poor sculpture.

I hope to go to the state fair next year.

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Swim race in Adirondacks

It was my second day in upstate N.Y., and I planned on competing in a Master's open water 1 mile cable swimming Championships in Mirror lake. This is the same lake they swim in for the Lake Placid Ironman. Skin suits were allowed still, so I wore my nice Blue Seventy suit. The conditions were perfect. Lake was very smooth. I think I was still feeling a bit jet lagged, but felt excited to get my endorphins flowing.

The race was conducted by starting small groups off in waves based on your seed time. The waves were 20 seconds apart. I started in the 3rd. wave. I was feeling a bit paranoid that I may have over estimated my seed time. We had to do 4 loops to complete one mile. It's a quarter mile out to the turn buoy. About half way into the swim I was thinking, damn, I am SO tired! But I stayed with it, and found a groove, especially after a girl passed me who was wearing a FULL skin suit. (long sleeve, and down to ankles) I literally swam next to her for the last half mile. She started in the wave behind me, so she beat me by 20 seconds. I was second in my age group.

It was a rewarding swim, and I felt good that I was racing. Afterwards I went shopping in the adorable town of Lake Placid. I'd like to return to this area sometime soon. I am sure that in the winter it's an exciting place to be and be seen.

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Last days in HI

Before leaving Hawaii, there were a few trails that we needed to explore. One of the trails was on Ohau, and the other trail I explored solo is located on Maui. the trail on Maui is the most highly used and was the most widely traveled trail on the 1800s. It served as a pathway for the Missionaries returning home from Mauna Olu Seminary to Lahina. It's a very trying trail, because it zig zags, and is very rocky, and open to the high winds and hot sun. I really enjoyed taking in the view of Mt. Haleakala peaking above the clouds.

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