Saturday, January 2, 2010

Swim race in Adirondacks

It was my second day in upstate N.Y., and I planned on competing in a Master's open water 1 mile cable swimming Championships in Mirror lake. This is the same lake they swim in for the Lake Placid Ironman. Skin suits were allowed still, so I wore my nice Blue Seventy suit. The conditions were perfect. Lake was very smooth. I think I was still feeling a bit jet lagged, but felt excited to get my endorphins flowing.

The race was conducted by starting small groups off in waves based on your seed time. The waves were 20 seconds apart. I started in the 3rd. wave. I was feeling a bit paranoid that I may have over estimated my seed time. We had to do 4 loops to complete one mile. It's a quarter mile out to the turn buoy. About half way into the swim I was thinking, damn, I am SO tired! But I stayed with it, and found a groove, especially after a girl passed me who was wearing a FULL skin suit. (long sleeve, and down to ankles) I literally swam next to her for the last half mile. She started in the wave behind me, so she beat me by 20 seconds. I was second in my age group.

It was a rewarding swim, and I felt good that I was racing. Afterwards I went shopping in the adorable town of Lake Placid. I'd like to return to this area sometime soon. I am sure that in the winter it's an exciting place to be and be seen.

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