Thursday, September 17, 2015

Beautiful Glass Tile

The pool construction seems to be moving at a snails pace, so hopefully  we will be able to enjoy it very soon.  The grading for the deck was completed today, with hopes to install the pavers, however the rain put that off, so tomorrow the deck and lanai should be installed. The aquamarine glass tile is very good quality and is an upgrade. It's the same product as our pool contractor has on his very own pool. 

Swimming this week has been good. Been feeling a little tired, but managed some good quality practices.  These workouts are all originals.... :-)

Monday SCY N. Ft. Myers Community Pool

400 loose
400 pull
200 (drill /swim by 50)
8 x 50 @ 1' descend 1-4, 5-8
8 x 25 @ :30, perfect, breakout, build, fast (repeat)
Swim - pace
2 x 150
3 x 100
Kick/swim by 50 (fins optional) fast kick
2 x 150
3 x 100
break to get gear on
Pull - strong (faster interval than swim set)
2 x 150
3 x 100
Swim - FAST 1st. 50
2 x 150
3 x 100
200 cool
4,1K scy

Tuesday - scy - FCGU
600 (swim/back by 50)
4 x 100 snorkel (kick/scull/kick/swim)
10 x 75 @ 1:10
8 x 75 @ 1:15 (odds free/back/free, evens 50 free/25 back)
chat with the lifeguards
200 pull
200 cool 

Wednesday -scy - N. Ft. Myers Comm. - IM practice!
200 swim
200 pull
200 kick
8 x 50 (stroke/free IM order) @ 1'
12 x 50 switchers - (fly/back-back/br-br/fr-fr/fly - repeat) @ 1' for first 8, then :55 last 4
400 swim
4 x 100 IM 
300 Pull
3 x 100 IM
200 swim
2 x 100 Im
100 pull
1 x 100 IM
400 cool

Freaky Fast Friday!!
300 swim
200 drill/swim by 50
100 kick
10 x 50 (odds build, evens kick/drill) @ 1'
4 x 100 pull - breath 3/5/7/9 by 25 @ 1:30
Main 4 xs
1 x 100 perfect @ 1:30
1 x 75 (FAST/EZ/FAST) @ 1:15
1x 75 perfect @ 1:15
1 x 50 FAST @ 1'

Main 2xs
1 x 200 perfect @ 3:15
1 x 100 EZ/FAST/EZ/FAST @ 1:30
1 x 100 Perfect @ 1:45
1 x 50 SPRINT!!! @ 1' 

4 x 100 back/fr by 50 @ 1:45

Happy Laps!!!!!

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