Sunday, December 27, 2015

Merry Christmas!

It's been a few weeks, so I am really behind in posting swim practices!  Been very busy coaching, working two jobs and recently was hired to teach Yoga on Sunday morning at the Cape Coral Wellness Center. The first class was today, and there were 14 people in the class!  It is wonderful to be teaching again. 

Last weekend a dear friend of Russ's came for a brief 3 day visit. He didn't have to escape the cold in NH, because it has been so warm this year.  FL posted record highs on Christmas day. He mostly came to play golf, but my dad had this great idea to rent a boat from Naples and boat to Marco Island, then have lunch at the Snook Inn.  Well, that sounded really nice, so Russ and I checked out the rental place, and we rented the boat for the following Sunday.  

Sunday we head down to Naples, drop off Yigo at my parents, and pick up my dad. The four of us are feeling pretty good about this exciting boat trip, which I have never done before, but my dad was an experienced passenger, since he had made the trip once or twice with out of town friends. 

Jeff showed us the map, and explained where the cops might be, and gave us clear instructions on how to follow the markers to get to our destination. 

Here we are getting our instructions. Since Dana use to own a boat in NH, we thought it would be best to let him drive. 

Russ and Dad are chilling out. It was a perfect day for a ride in the channel. The gulf was a bit choppy, but we were not allowed to venture into the gulf. 

This is Tin City on the right, as we make our way through the channel. 

Dad wanted us to see all the big housed in Port Royal, so we did a side trip to see the mansions. The little house on the right is a guest house. 

After cruising past the large homes, we returned to our planned route. The max speed limit is about 30 miles per hour, or no wake. There were other boats coming from the opposite direction that would make a wake which meant we had to go over it. Apparently I was not prepared for the big wake, and Dana flew right over it. I lost my balance and fell onto Russ's thigh/knee landing on the side of my ribs. When I hit his legs I heard a crunch in my body. Crap, that was probably a rib, and yep, been two weeks and the dang thing is still sore. Swimming speed has slowed down quite a bit, not happy!!  

We did see a few dolphins on our trip. After lunch I drove back the whole way.  I crashed over a few waves, but not quite as reckless. I really enjoyed driving the boat and Dad said that we can time share a boat. Hummmm. something to consider. 

The Snook in had great food, and a fabulous Salad Bar. 

Our day was not quite over, as we had big dinner plans to eat at Baleens which is on the beach. We enjoyed the sunset before dinner.  The food is really fabulous!

I just love Sunday's!  

Back to swim practice: 

Tuesday 12/22/15

200 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 Drill mix strokes
8 x 50 descend 1>4 @ 1’

250 catch up drill/swim by 50 – rest :10
150 backstroke – rest :10
100 distance per stroke (DPS) – swim long and tall. Count your strokes per 25 rest :10
100 Breast

KICK – 2xs
200 (25 right side/25 left side/100 – 6 kick switch) – FINS @
8 x 25 FAST – NO Fins w/board @ :45

MAIN – 4xs through – everything is 10 sec rest
100 IM or free 1:50
75 back or  back/free/back 1:40
50 breast or breast/free 1:20
25 fly or free repeat on next top or bottom @;30

optional - 10 x 50 @ 1’ – 10 breaths 1st, 9 second, 8 third, 7 fourth etc.

200 cool

*Tuesday there were only two of us, Jami and myself.  I had to take it easy anyway, so the person I swam with, Jami, received one on one coaching today.  Lucky her!  

Thursday 12/24/15

300 swim/150 kick/ 100 pull
Pre Main
10 x 50  @ 1:15  Odds kick/swim, evens drill/swim
25s – breathe every 4
50s – Build to FAST
75s – make the interval
100 cruise
4 x 25 fly @ :35             4 x 50 back @ 1:15
4 x 75 breast @ 1:40        4 x100 free  @ 1:45
4 x 75 breast @ :140        4 x 50 back @ 1:15
4 x 25 fly @ :35                100 EZ
Kick @ :40
4 x ( 25 EZ
  (25 FAST
(25 FAST
(25 MED
cool 200

Happy Laps!!

No Practice Christmas Day.
Russ and I rode our singles.

It's been two weeks and my rib is still sore, oh well. Another two weeks and I shall be good as new, or at least almost.

Christmas side dish was something I created, and it's very healthy. I used Green Garbonzo beans which I purchased at Memett's Fresh Market - see his sign: I also purchesed some lovely shrimp from him for Shrimp Cocktail appetizers.

I saw this funny guy getting his exercise on a cool ride.

The recipe is called
Healthy Holiday Vegetarian Red, White, and Green

Nothing to cook!  Cauliflower, Pomegranate, Edemamme, beans/green garbonzo beans. 
You can't see the green garbonzo beans in this pic, because this was the first batch. 
Hummus - 2tbls
Juice from 1 lemon
Dijon Mustard - 1tbs
Maple Syrup - 1tsp
Chopped fresh Cilantro and Basil
Salt and Pepper
Mix in and serve or let sit over night.  

One more week, and it will be 2016!!!!  Time does fly when you are having fun, and that is what we are doing here in SWFL.  There is never a dull moment. Lots of houses being built on our street too.  

Looks like the warm weather up North won't last for too much longer. The forecast is predicting single digits in a week in Central N.Y.  FL will experience a big drop in temperatures and see some 40 degree nights. Sometime after January 4th. I am hosting a swim team from N.J. Their coach Colgate Alumni Swimmer, and I am really looking forward to seeing Lia!!

For practice this week, I am hoping to get some interest in Master's that want to swim on . M/T/TH/F. Hoping to increase the schedule to 4 days a week. 

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Happy Holiday Swimming

Past couple of weeks we have been growing the GCST Masters participation in N. Ft. Myers.   The weather has been perfect for outdoor swimming, except for Friday when it was pouring outside at 5am, and no one wanted to swim.

THURSDAY 12/2/15

200 swim
200 kick
200 nonfree/free by 50

Regroup with group

8 x 50 drills – will be explained @ 1:10
#1 single head tap
#2 double head tap
#3 catch up
#4 Gallop with quick breath

Main Set 4xs
2 x 25 free @ :45
2 x  50 fast kick @ 1:15
2 x 100 free @ 2’

Those going longer than 2500…

2 x 500
2 x 250

100 cool

Friday - Rain out

Saturday LCM - FGCU


12 x 50 @ 1'
odds drill/swim
evens kick/swim
400 swim @ 80%
2  x 50 F/Ez
100 kick w/ fins (1st.and 3rd. 25 underwater streamline)
300 swim @ 80%
2 x 50 Ez/F
100 kick w/ fins same
200 swim @ 80%
2 x 50 F
100 kick same
100 swim @ 80%
2 x 50 swim F
100 kick same

2 x 300 pull
200 cool

Tuesday 12/8

600 choice
Preset: fins
12 x 50 K/S by 25 @ :55

4 X 100 @ 1:50
10 x 25 F @ :40
4 x 100 @ 1:45
10 x 25 @ :30
4 x 100 @ 1:40

10 x 50 EZ/Fast by 25 @ 1'

300 cool

Thursday 12/10/15

300 swim
300 pull
2 x 100 IM drill @ 1:50

6 x 50 nonfree/free by 25  @ 1:15

4 x 200 @ 3’/3:20
2 x 100 @ 1:30/1:40
4 x 50 nonfree @ 1’/1:15


2 x 200 IM @ 4/4:30
4 x 100 free @ 1:30/1:40
8 x 25 IM order @ :40

100 kick

200 swim

Happy Friday  12/11/15

400 swim free/back by 50
FINS: 6 x 100 (25Kick/25Drill/50Swim@ 1:45
2 x 300 PULL @ 6:30
8 X 50 Kick @ 1'
12 X 50 (2 SPRINT, 2 EZ REPEAT) @ 1:00
COOL 200
4 x 250 snorkel
cool 100

12/12/15 - Happy Birthday to my dear friend Jayne in sunny Las Vegas!!!!!!
T2 Masters practice - workout courtesy of John - awesome practice!  

500 loose
8 x 75 (K/D/S) w/fins @ 1:20
3 times {200 pull @ 3'
             {3 x 100 @ 1:30/1:25/1:20 BY SET
100 EZ
4 times {100 Pull @ 1:30
             {4 x 25 SPRINT @ :30
400 fins 50 dolphin on back/50 swim
6 x 75 (back/breast/free) @ 1:15
300 or 12 x 25 (odds no breath/evens swim) or snorkel

This weekend I needed to help my parents with their tree. My mom injured her shoulder and was out of commission for all tree duties. The process started with going to the storage shed and lugging the very large and very expensive  fake tree into the car with my dad. Then we had to put it together and separate all the limbs. Even though she originally bought the tree years ago with lights attached, of course the lights no longer work, so we (dad and I ) needed to string additional lights...... Here we have dad and I stringing the lights. Too funny!! The last time my dad strung lights, my mom fired him from ever doing it again!

When we finally finished with the tree - it looked as gorgeous as usual! This is a BIG tree. My tree is really little and skinny - maybe I'll post a picture of it next week. 

Sunday was a perfect ocean swim from Vanderbilt Beach with 10 other open water swimmers and Boazeiden!!

This week I wrote all the practices ahead - so here you go.....Wednesday San Carlos practice TBD...

December week 12/14-18 

400 free/back by 50
6 x 100 @ 1:45/2:00/2:15 (pick you interval) D/S/D/K see below:
25 Drill
25 Swim
25 Drill 
25 Kick
3 rounds
4 x 100 @ 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00/2:10 choose interval
3 x 75 @ 1:00/1:10/1:20/1:30/1:40 choose interval
25 scull
Leave on next top
Fins and snorkel
8 x 100 @ 1:30/1:40/1:50/2:00
200 cool


200swim, 300 pull
10 x 50 odds swim evens kick
Main 25 x 50s =
5 x 50 @ 1:00/1:10/1:15/1:20
5 x 50 @ :55/1:05/1:10/1:15
5 x 50 @ :50/1:00/1:05/1:10
5 x 50 @ :45/:55/1:00/1:05
5 x 50 @ :40/:50/:55/1:00
200 cool


300 swim 200 pull 100 kick
6 x 75 back/breast/free
300 pull
4 x 50 fly/back 
200 pull
3 x 50 back/breast
100 pull
2 x 50 breast/free
3 x 100 swim
4 x 25 sprint IM order 
2 x 100 swim
4 x 25 sprint
100 swim
4 x 25 sprint IM order
300 cool

Happy Laps!!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Swim off Turkey calories!

It was a lovely and quiet Thanksgiving Holiday in Naples with mom and dad. There were six of us. The other couple that joined us are originally from England, and the wife at one time worked for John Lennon!

The celebratory Thanksgiving day open water swim had a good group turnout. The water temp was 74 degree F, which brought out the wet suits and skin suits for most.  Myself and another swimmer, Ed, found the temps quite nice without the added neoprene.  We did our usual 3K. 

Friday was a good recovery day, and didn't really do much. We took in a movie and saw The Mocking Jay Part 2.  I thought it was very entertaining. 

Saturday was a big double swim day.  7:00am with T2 followed by 10:00am coaching at FGCU.  

Saturday with T2M

1 x 800 choice

12 x 50 pull or free
4 @ :55
4 @ ;50
2 @ :45

Main *(I did all the Free w/ snorkel)
4 x 100 Free @ 1:40 + 50 free after each 100 (medium speed)
4 x 100 Free @ 1:45 + 50 stroke (fast speed)
4 x 100 Free @ 1:50 + 50 stroke (fastest)

1 x 200 ez

6 x 75 fins @ 1:30 odds kick, evens swim

1 x 200 cool

Saturday Shannon Special with Ginger, LCM

SKIMP 200's (swim, kick, IM, pull)

30 x 50
1-2 stroke IM order by 25 @ :55
3-4 free @ :50
5-6 stroke IM order by 25
7-8 free 

6 x 150 (100 free/50 back) @ 2:45\
5 x 100 kick

200 cool

Feeling pretty pumped up after those two sessions back to back. 

As soon as I got home I took a nap!

Tuesday AM GCST Masters in  NFM

300 swim, 200 pull, 100 kick

9 x 50 @ 1' - descend 1-3

Main - 2xs 1st. round swim, 2nd. round pull and stroke
3 x 200 @ 3:00 (second round pull)
3 x 100 @ 1:30 (second round - IM)
6 x 50 @ 1' - odds EZ, evens Fast (second round stroke/free by 50)

200 cool

Happy Laps!!