Thursday, October 29, 2015

Splish Splash........

"I was takin' a bath down about a Saturday night (yeah!) a rub dub. Just relaxin' in the tub. Thinking' everything was all right..........."  Good Golly,  Miss Molly was a-even there too! A-well-a....splish splash I forgot about the bath I went and put my dancin' shoes on....yea!" 

- Who sang that song?  I thought it was Chuck Berry, but of course I am terrible at Trivia, so I put the answer at the bottom of the entry. 

That song is made for dancing, it's a good workout if you give it a go.

Friday's practice is courtesy of my swim mates from TX (SAD) San Antonio Dolphins. This workout from from either Fred or Beau. Thanks guys! 

Freaky Frightening Fast Friday Morning:  


8 x 50 = 25, 1 breath / 25 build @ :55

Set - 6 times thru (choose interval and stay on it straight thru)
100 build to 85-90% @ 1:30/40/45/50/2'
75 fast @ 1'/1:05/1:10/1:15
50 recover @ 1'/1:10
25 fast "30

Pull 8 x 100 @ 1-4 @ 1:15/1:20,   5-8@ 1:10/15

WD 4 x 100 @ 1:30

Happy Laps and Happy Halloween!!

- Bobby Darin - 1958

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